Also, it goes without saying that a buggy font like ZawDecode should not be included in a major Android OS release. If they realize that ZawDecode font cannot show Zawgyi contents properly, they will likely revert back to Zawgyi, causing a major setback for Unicode migration. It will confuse the end users since most of them are already confused by the existence of two different encodings - Unicode and Zawgyi.
The ZawDecode font cannot show all Zawgyi contents correctly only around 85% are correct.While I appreciate the effort to cater towards Zawgyi users in Myanmar, it has some serious issues and could also be a major hindrance for the current transition to Unicode in Myanmar. I received news that Android 10 shipped with Noto Sans Myanmar Zawdecode as the default font for Myanmar(Burmese) language. I would like to give some feedback about Myanmar(Burmese) language and font problem in Android 10.